3D ANALYZE V2.36[for those who dont have graphic card]  

3D-Analyze is a tool for transform and lightning hardware emulation. So it is very useful for running TnL games on video cards that have not on board dedicated circuits for TnL calculations (like all Voodoo, Kyro, some Radeon and older). It uses power of central processing unit to do emulation.

3d analyze is a Graphics Card Emulator that can emulate all the feature of a 3d graphics card like pixelshader 1.1, 1.4, 2.0, bump maps and a lota stuff. If a game stops running on your system just because u dont have a graphics card, dont worry 3d analyze will do it for ya. run 3danalyze select the game exe, select a few options u wanna emulate and there u go the game run perfectly now.

Note : Make sure u get this program incase u can't get your favourite games to run with your 3d card!!!

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Test By Me : An Example
For those friends who have Graphic Card or 3D Card

An error message comes up saying "Your GFX card does not have Pixel shader capibilities" or something to that end.
Now, open 3D Analyzer, click Select, go to your M2TW exe file. THEN, check the following boxes if you have the pixel shad
er problem:
'force anisotropic filtering'
'skip pixel shader version 2.0' (or whatever version you decide)

That should do the trick. However, if the game still doesnt work, check the error message for the problem - chances are it can be changed in 3D Analyzer.
e.g. Error message=Problem with textures... to solve, check the 'disable textures'.

If it still doesnt work, try some of the following:
*Try running 3D Analyze with another game besides m2tw. If it then doesnt work, nothing will.
*Run 3D Analyze in Debug mode - you will then see what is wrong.
*If all else fails, update your GFX card/R

Test By Me : An Example
For those friends who don't have Graphic Card or 3D Card

Guys now you can play ur favourite games, which shows an error of 3d-Card and Pixel Shared.
Only one thing you have to do. Simple select Game EXE..And Emulate only two option as shown in image :

And then Click RUN... Enjoy ur Game..

And Select Emulate Pixel Shader. Only when the error shows Pixel Shader Require..

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 and is filed under .

